Analysis of the impact of financial inclusion on financial stability An applied study of a sample of banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period 2004-2020


root root


This study aims to identify the theoretical and intellectual aspects, the impact of financial inclusion financial stability. Therefore, the impact of financial inclusion is one of the main factors that can affect financial stability and the extent of its impact on banking work. The problem of the study was to show the existence of The impact of financial inclusion  financial stability. This study was applied to a sample of banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, which were selected according to international and accounting standards. Among the other banks that apply these standards, in addition to their large activity in banking, are (National Bank of Iraq (NBOI) United Bank for Investment (UBFI) Investment Bank of Iraq (BIBI) Commercial Bank of Iraq (CBOI) for Credit Bank of Iraq (CBOI) for the period (2004-2020) The descriptive and analytical approach has been used in describing all the variables, analyzing them and measuring them through the actual financial data available by the banks and the study sample. With the aim of evaluating and measuring the future variable (financial inclusion) and dependent variables and financial stability) and analyzing the correlation and impact between them and their interpretation, if the analysis of variance was used using the (SPSS) program to measure the correlation and impact between the results of financial inclusion used in the study and between financial stability.

The study reached a number of conclusions within the framework of its main and subsidiary hypotheses, the most important of which was the existence of a relationship and impact of financial inclusion  on the banking institution and financial stability. The study also recommended based on the conclusions it reached, the most important of which was the need to urge all banks to use financial inclusion in all banking transactions because it has a positive impact on the bank’s performance and the development of banking services provided by all banks. And the adoption of scientific, technical and academic studies does not find an ideal way to deal with Financial inclusion that is applied in all banking institutions, with the aim of raising the profitability of banks and reducing the risks to which they are exposed as a result of financial crises.


How to Cite
root, root. (2024). Analysis of the impact of financial inclusion on financial stability An applied study of a sample of banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period 2004-2020. Warith Scientific Journal, 6(18), 60-83.